The Visual Aspect-Interview Series Presents: The Picky Princess

A life style blog that is curated by the pickiest person that I know; me! I think that it’s 100% okay to know what your worth and want to live up to it, and a princess only deserves the best.

Get to know Tiffany by reading her interview below. Enjoy!

Interview Questions

1. Could you start by sharing a bit about yourself?

My name is Tiffany and I recently finished a diploma in Fashion Marketing. I started this accelerated program one month after completing my undergrad. I have a Major in Media Studies, and a Double Minor in Economics & English. All of my schooling combined really makes me want to pursue a career in Public Relations. I’m also a huge animal lover, and you’ll often see pictures or content on my blog of my dog Parker and I.

2. Could you tell us about your blog and what inspired you to start one?

I first started blogging when I went on an AIESEC internship. I went to Taipei, Taiwan and taught about the Canadian culture to elementary school students. As part of an engagement rebate, I started my blog. I blogged about my crazy adventures with my internship “sisters”, and I was surprised that people were actually reading my blog and leaving me comments. People were genuinely interested in my funny travel stories.

3. Who is your fashion inspiration?

Recently I have fallen in love with Sarah Dewald. I find her style to be extremely laid back, with a hint of sexy. This is honestly something that I’m aspiring to reach in my own style. It’s like this perfect mix of put together, but I’m not trying too hard to be sexy at the same time. I also love Zendaya. I don’t just think that she is a fashion icon, but I truly believe that she is a strong, and fierce feminist that makes me work harder to be better.

4. How would you describe your style?

People usually describe my style as Classically-Chic. Although I’m starting to think that my style is grey or black, with a hint of one colour. I like items that are going to last a long time. Once in a while I’ll grab something I can’t wear everyday, but I just like looking well put together. Coco Chanel once said, “I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little—if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.” This is also the reason why I don’t own sweat pants. I want to be ready for everything, whether I’m getting called in for an interview that same day (it has happened!), or I’m bumping into an ex—I always dress to impress.

5. What are your favorite stores to shop at, and why?

People always tell me how much they hate Abercrombie & Fitch, but their favourite pieces that I own are usually from A&F. If you know where to look in that store, you’ll find beautiful pieces that are pretty well made to hold up in the wash. Recently, they’ve revamped their entire brand and store to fit into my aesthetic. Everything is minimal and simple now.
For makeup, I’ve completely converted to NYX Cosmetics. I honestly haven’t bought anything that I wasn’t happy with from there. You also just can’t beat those prices!

6. What is an item you splurge on?

Shoes and jackets. Papa Kwong always told me that you want investment pieces. We also live in Canada, so you want to invest in a beautiful winter jacket if you can. Fall in Canada can become winter real soon here, so a genuine leather motorcycle jacket is a must need for every girl.
I love shoes, but I also love my feet. I refuse to wear uncomfortable shoes.

7. What is your next fashion must have?

A faux leather mini wrap skirt. I have a thick real leather midi skirt, but it’s just too heavy for a fun night out. A leather mini wrap skirt looks great with a body suit too!

8. How do you handle fashion trends? (Do you like to keep up with them or not pay attention to them at all…)

I always pay attention to what the fashion trends are, but I also know my own body. If I see a trend that I know will be super unflattering on my body, I wait for it to die out. I’m currently waiting for bomber jackets to die out. I have a short upper body in comparison to my legs, so bomber jackets hit me at the weirdest spots.

9. Do you have any fashion rules when putting an outfit together?

You have to feel comfortable and confident. If I put an outfit together and I think “I look hideous in this.” I take it off right away. An outfit that looked great last week, might look bad this week, and that’s okay. We’re allowed to change our minds as long as we’re happy.

10. For my readers that are looking to freshen up their wardrobe, what is a great fashion tip you can share with them?

One of my favourite ways to freshen up my wardrobe while keeping costs low is actually to go to Forever 21’s online clearance for statement jewelry. Just by adding a statement necklace, you’re changing the entire look of an outfit! I had ear cuffs on for a while to make my look edgier. Another time I wore big ornate earrings to make the same outfit fancier. Freshening up your wardrobe doesn’t have to break the bank.

Be sure to follow Tiffany on social media:

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