Theory has arrived in Austin, Texas

Image courtesy of Theory

If you have not noticed there has been a couple of new stores that have opened up at Domain Northside. At this point, the Domain is my second home meaning I am there probably a little too much. However, when I saw Theory was coming to Austin I was very excited! I now have this amazing opportunity to work with the brand and share with you all the details on who Theory is. This also includes their beautiful new store located right here in Austin. I styled three different looks to show you how you can incorporate Theory into your everyday life. These pieces are transitional, for the woman on the go lifestyle. You will find pieces that can be worn for work, a girls night out, and a beautiful dinner downtown.

Who Theory is as a brand

I did some research on who Theory is as a brand and what they bring to the table that is different from others. Theory came on the scene about 20 years ago and revolutionized sportswear for the American woman. This was done through the types of fabrics and textiles that were chosen for each piece of clothing. This specifically began with a pair of pants that were designed to have “the power to make women feel confident, smart, and stylish.”

This philosophy continued as the brand expanded to a complete ready to wear line for women, Theory for men, and the newest collection Theory 2.0. My favorite line that I read is “Our clothes create confidence.” By now you all should know that I am a firm believer in if you have the correct wardrobe that suits you, it brings a whole other level of confidence in yourself. Theory is about essential, well-designed pieces that will last through each season, year after year.

How Theory will enhance and
elevate your wardrobe

I have written many posts on why you should have a foundational wardrobe. The main point is that it helps tremendously every day when you are getting dressed and pulling outfits together. When I am shopping and trying on clothes I always ask, how many times can I wear this? Also, how many different ways can I style this top, pants, etc? When I think of different pieces from Theory, I think of timeless staple pieces. Theory has this effortless cool factor to each of their pieces as well as versatility. So without a doubt you can invest in this brand and it will be very much worth your while.

Theory has arrived in Austin, Texas 4.jpegI recently stopped by the new location at Domain Northside, to see the new collection and try on a few pieces. I love how the high-quality feel of the material and the fit of the clothing. I do have a few curves and I have shared about how it can be difficult to find pants or skirts that fit my butt to waist ratio. However, I tried on this white jumpsuit and it was BEAUTIFUL! I did not end up getting that one because I went with the fuschia jumpsuit pictured above. Both of those jumpsuits fit me very well and they were so flattering. I like to build mini wardrobe capsules in my closet for each season, and I love when you can easily mix and match different pieces from different collections. All in all, these are investment staple pieces that will never go out of style.

The new store at Domain Northside

I love seeing how Domain Northside is developing and these amazing brands are taking enough interest in our city and culture, to build a store in Austin. Theory has 489 locations overall and the Austin location is the second store to be built in Texas! Austin is growing and changing year after year, and I love the diversity of people, occupations, and lifestyles. The store is beautifully designed and the team is extremely nice and helpful. I believe Theory picked a great location here in Austin, and if you live here or visiting soon you should definitely stop by!

Images courtesy of Theory 

I have linked all of the information below of the looks from this post. Is there a favorite look or staple piece that you have from Theory or that you have your eye on? Comment below and let me know!

Photography and editing: Karla Ruelas
Store images courtesy of Theory


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