By The Visual Aspect

The war between Gen Z, Millennials, and their skinny jeans

It's The Wide Leg Jeans  For Me!

As millennials, we love our skinny jeans and refuse to hear out Gen Z on the wide leg jeans. So, here's my review on both styles of jeans! 

At least give it a try

Don't worry! Skinny jeans aren't going anywhere and will always be a classic staple in your wardrobe

A Wardrobe Classic

Along came Zara...

In summer of 2020, the Zara wide leg jean hit stores and we all were hooked. I ended up buying four different pairs of these jeans!

The Wardrobe Takeover

I have worn the high-rise, wide leg jeans from Zara countless times throughout each season. The cost per wear was immediately met!

I'm with Gen Z and the wide leg jeans community! This style of jeans are a timeless staple to add into your wardrobe.

New Wardrobe Staple!

Where do I stand?

About The Visual Aspect

Created by DeAnna Rivers, The Visual Aspect is a platform for women to learn how to elevate their style and create a timeless staple wardrobe.

Follow me on Instagram and Youtube!

Cream Section Separator